American-Pornstar is now accepting Bitcoin payments for certain non-recurring memberships

Please review the following schudule of fees:

-1 year membership: 0.02 BTC
-5 year membership: 0.05 BTC
-Unlimited Lifetime Membership: 0.1 BTC

Please send your payment to the following bitcoin address: 3JuDRFCzLELsunEWc2eZGEAPn5Z5RiAgKr

Read Carefully:

Upon payment, YOU MUST email, inform us of your payment, and include your PUBLIC BITCOIN ADDRESS so that we can verify and authenticate your payment, along with your desired username and password. Once Authenticated we will email you confirmation along with your login credentials. We will endeavor to provide you the credentials requested, but may create a custom login for you if your username/password are already taken or do not meet our security critera. Bitcoin signups are manually processed and may take up to 48 hrs to authenticate, be approved, and have your account created. We appreciate your patience as we work towards offering a more secure and anonymous user experience
